Guest Rooms

Guest Room Calendar

Please check the calendar below for guest room availability. Red = Guest Room A / Yellow = Guest Room B

Taichung campus guest rooms are designated for the following:

  • Parents of students currently living in the Morrison Dorms
  • Official Morrison Guests visiting Morrison on official business
  • Morrison Staff Family and Immediate Relatives (e.g. parents, grandparents, etc.)
  • Friends coming to visit Morrison staff
  • Visiting sports teams staying on campus for Morrison-hosted tournament
  • Visiting groups who are renting campus facilities for camps/conferences

Official school guests, parents of current dormitory students, and Trustees will have priority for reservations for more than one month in advance. Morrison employees may make reservations for friends and relatives that meet the above guidelines up to one month in advance as availability allows. Normally these guest rooms are not intended for extended stays over one week.

Two of the guest rooms are located on the first floor of the north faculty housing tower and include bedding, towels, shampoo, a sitting area, and a kitchenette. The kitchenette includes a small microwave, refrigerator, and dishes. These rooms have a queen bed, two twin beds, and the option of up to two fold-away floor mattresses.

Reservations can be made by filling out this form.

Email,, if you have questions.

Reservations are limited to the current school year (this makes our record-keeping more manageable).

Guest Room A


Guest Room B

Guests Rate
Parents of Current Boarding Students

(For the purpose of visiting their child/children who are living in the dorm)

Parents living in Taiwan-Two nights/semester free

Parents living outside of Taiwan-1 stay per semester of four nights-free

(additional nights are charged at the Morrison Staff Family rates)

Morrison School Guests

Morrison Staff Family and Immediate Relatives (e.g. parents, grandparents)

Single - NT$500/night

Couple - NT$800/night

Couple with one or more children* - NT$1200/night

Friends visiting Morrison Staff Single - NT$800/night

Couple - NT$1500/night

Couple with one or more children* - NT$2000/night

  • *Children 3 years old and under are free with their parents
  • Maximum 6 people per room per night
  • Morrison Staff Family rates will be used for guests on official school business (e.g. counselors, Trustees, speakers)
  • A guest apartment is also available for Morrison staff, immediate family of staff, and Morrison school guests. Inquire about rates and availability.


Guest Room Cancellation Policy

A cancellation fee of NT$500/room per night will be charged if cancellation is made within 48 hours prior to check-in (3 p.m.) on the date the room is reserved. The same cancellation fee will apply for no-shows.