Greg Grobler

2022 Inductee
Greg Grobler was a tenacious Mustang. As a middle schooler he lived in the gym. If the door was unlocked he was inside shooting. This long term preparation combined with his driven nature led to a basketball career that puts him near the top of several stats lists. Averaging of 15.7 points per game over the course of his career, he posted an impressive 26.2 points per game in his senior year putting him at #3 on that list. The Mustang soccer midfield benefited from Greg’s feisty style of play as he wore out numerous pairs of cleats while prowling the the center of the pitch during his 3 years of Varsity soccer. Greg was awarded MVP of both Basketball and Soccer in his senior year. Besides Basketball and Soccer Greg ran track in his junior year at the coaches request. During one meet he paced a highly acclaimed distance runner over 1500 meters and then out kicked him down the stretch for a resounding victory. It was a performance of heart, which was always Greg’s calling card. Post graduation his fighting spirit was on exhibit annually during the Alumni BasketBall game. Greg captivated the gym for many years beyond his memorable 4 years as a student athlete.